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Get to Know Girls Bowling Coach Chris Roberts - Wolves Activities

Get to Know Girls Bowling Coach Chris Roberts

Where did you grow up? 

I was born in Sioux City and have lived in Ankeny since 1987.

Where did you go to school? 

I graduated from Ankeny High School, got my BS in Exercise and Sport Science from Iowa State University and my Masters in School Administration from The University of Northern Iowa.

How did you get into bowling? When did you start? 

One of my good friends in middle school was the daughter of the owner of the bowling center when I was growing up. She was looking to form a team for a youth league and I joined the team. Began in 1990.

What is your favorite thing about teaching and coaching? 

Seeing when someone can take the information that we provide to them and put it into practice on their own. I feel that is when they truly understand.

What is the most rewarding part about your job? 

Being able to see people mature as an individual in life and in our sport.

Who does your family consist of? 

I have a wife of 20 years and three children ranging in age from 12-18. I also have six furry children. I have three dogs and three cats. 

Favorite food & restaurant? 

I like most food. My favorite restaurant at this time is Texas Roadhouse.

Favorite movie & TV show? 

I like the History Channel. Goonies is my favorite movie.

Hobbies outside of teaching & coaching?

I like to stay busy, I like to run, bike, and hike when the weather is nice. When I am at home I like to work in the yard and on the house. If I can’t get outside, I like doing 1000 piece puzzles. 

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be? 

I would love to speak to my grandparents as an adult. They all passed before I could do that.

What is your favorite part about Waukee?

If I have to narrow it down, I would have to say it is the people that I have built relationships with over the past 18 years.

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