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Get to Know Girls Tennis Head Coach Chad Jilek - Wolves Activities

Get to Know Girls Tennis Head Coach Chad Jilek

Where did you grow up?

Mason City, Iowa.

Where did you go to school?

Mason City High School, North Iowa Area Community College, Mount St. Clare College.

How did you get into tennis? When did you start?

I started playing tennis at a young age, only recreationally. Playing high school and college baseball didn’t allow me to play competitively, so for the past 35 years I have been playing for fun. Tennis is a great life long activity.  

What is your favorite thing about teaching and coaching?

I love working with young adults to help them become better athletically but also help build skills to be a good person. It’s fun to be able to see these kids in a school setting but then also outside the school setting in a competitive environment.  

What is the most rewarding part about your job?

Seeing the success of an individual during a competition that helps lead our team success. 

Who does your family consist of?

Wife – Angie Jilek, Counselor at PV,

Daughter – Kinsey Jilek, senior at Johnston HS,

Daughter – Kamryn Jilek, freshman at Johnston HS

Favorite food & restaurant?

I don’t have any favorites. I enjoy all food, but some of the places I visit a lot would be Pancheros, Hy-Vee-Chinese, Texas Roadhouse, Jethro’s, and any pizza place.

Favorite movie & TV show?

I like to binge a number of shows. Some of my go to shows are Yellowstone, Blacklist, Cobra Kai, and Below Deck.

Hobbies outside of teaching & coaching?

My main hobby is running. I try to run 30-40 miles per week. I also enjoy watching my kids compete in their activities.  

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

I would love to sit down and talk sports with Michael Jordan. He was the sports figure I idolized growing up so would love to sit down and hear some of the stories he has.  

What is your favorite part about Waukee?

Waukee is a great place to teach and coach. The support we receive in the classroom and on the athletic fields is second to none.  I have taught in 4 different districts and Waukee is far and away the best one.

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